Invest in the Regulated VC Firm for Blue-Chip Art

Wealthy people invest 15% of their overall investments in art,
why don't professional investors do it when they know art is a safe investment

  • Investors need to invest a lot of money to diversify in blue-chip artists
  • They know neither costs nor art valuations and are missing opportunities
  • Lack of expertise in family offices, institutional and investment firms
  • Unregulated nature of the art market
  • Unclear valuation for knowing the evolution of art investments


Hemos creado un equipo internacional que cubre las regiones del mercado del arte más importantes de gran experiencia y multidisciplinar para ofrecer un valor diferencial a las inversiones tradicionales de inversión. 

Team members

Xavier Olivella


- Experience in International Corporate Management
- Certificate in ‘Art Investments’ by Sotheby’s Institute of Arts
- Former Director of the Equity Crowdfunding Association in Spain

I grew up at HP learning Sales, Go-to-Market, Distribution Channels, Marketing, Business Development, Software, and Services. I created my own sales consulting company and telesales group.
I formed 4 startups. I presented the first TEDx in Spain on Architecture.
I have written a book about the experiences of a relative in the civil war.
With two children in their twenties.

The Board of Directors is composed by 

  • Xavier Olivella: CEO & Co-founder, based in Barcelona
  • Ilaria Cavazzana: Art Advisory Director, Seville - Verona
    • Advising Private Collectors and Art Funds
    • Specialist in Modern and Contemporary Art
    • Certificate in 'Art Market' by Sotheby's Institute of Art
    • Master in Contemporary Art and Bachelor in Art Wealth Management
  • Ernest Sales: Investor, and Counselor, Dubai
    • Founder MOI Family Office
    • CEO of the biggest Apple Distribuidor in Middle-East and Spain
    • Executive Advisor of Grupo Midis Group
  • Alfonso Olive: CFO and Legal Advisor, Barcelona
    • Specialist in Legal and Financial
    • Bachelor in Law


The Advisory team is composed by 

  • Argimiro Arratia: Fintech Advisor, Barcelona
    • Barcelona Tech professor in Computational Finance
    • Master in Computer Science, Wisconsin Univ.
  • Stefan Piekarski: Art Advisor, Düsseldorf
    • Advisor for private collectors and public entities
    • Bachelor in Finance, Duisburg-Essen Univ. 
  • Gabrielle Segal: Art Advisor and Appraisal, New York
    • Bachelor in History of Art, Hunter College NYC
    • Master Contemporary Art by Sotheby's Institute of Art
  • Miguel Hernandez: Art Advisor, Miami 
    • Art collector and advisor for private collectors and museums
    • Curator of Pop, Modern, and Contemporary Art, and Events
  • Bastian Wagner: Investment Mgr, London
    • Specialist in alternative investments in Eaton Vance, Old Mutual Group, BNY Mellon
    • Bachelor in Finance and Certified by Sotheby's Institute of Art
  • Premala Matthen: NFT Art Advisor, London
    • Former advisor for British Art Fund and JP Morgan
    • Certified Sotheby's for Art Contemporary
    • Bachelor in Sciences and Economy

Project documents

Pitch Deck Download
Financial forecasts Download

Article about investing in arts. 

Webinar jointly with Spanish Association about investing in art funds targetting financial advisors.

Radio interview with the founders. 

Interview with CEO about the future of finance related to arts market: tokenisation and NFTs. 

Webinar about Investing in Arts. 

TV Webinar about investing in arts.

What happens if don't achieve the target?
Adventurees cancel the project and you get back your money. It's a secure and regulated process.
What does Blue Chip art mean?
Blue-Chip art is related to the artworks of the top 100 artists of the world. Picasso, Monet, Richter, Giacometti, Frida Kahlo among others that represent around 70% of the global art revenue. Those artists are also measured quarterly to track their value evolution.
Do you invest in NFTs?
Yes and no. We do not buy NFTs due to their volatility and lack of digital asset regulation. Instead, what we do is create NFT collections of the acquired works if the author or heirs allow it and if we can be successful in selling them through the respective social community.
Can I sell the shares I buy?
After holding your shares for 6 months, you will be able to sell your shares in tokens format.
What is the risk to invest?
Every venture capital firm has its inherent risk inherent, but in this case, you have two associated positive factors: diversification by interacting with the global market, and by managing store of value assets (which are safer than investing in start-ups for example).

Investment proposal

Investment proposal summary:

We offer you a unique opportunity to invest directly in a regulated VC for Equity Art Funds


ArtsGain manages art funds which is an untapped opportunity as a financial asset is considered a store of value with a large capacity to scale globally.


Precisely in these times of big uncertainty, it allows long-term and anti-inflationary revaluations if you invest in the great world artists (blue-chip art) as shown by the economic indicators of the past (1973-2012) and present (during the pandemic times). 

Detailed explanation:

A capital increase of €208,000 is offered for 10% of the company's share capital.


The allocation of the invested capital will be used to cover the regulator's capital requirements and financial growth for marketing activities, the distribution channel, and the incorporation of a salesperson from the financial sector.


Lock-up period of 6 months for your investment.


Min. investment: € 1,005 in multiple of  € 15 (price per share). 

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