Global leader in Outdoor Advertising metrics



CUENDE is the only company in the world that, thanks to vehicle detection in Big Data from satellite images and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, can measure the impact of Out-of-Home Advertising, providing certified metrics with Blockchain.


Since its founding in 1991, CUENDE has distinguished itself through the innovative use of cutting-edge technologies for measuring Out-of-Home media audiences.


CUENDE's international expansion has brought its services to 14 countries and its technology opens huge business opportunities thanks to services to third parties connected via API.


CUENDE is a company with relevant connections in the Out-of-Home advertising industry. It is a corporate member of WOOO (World Out-of-Home Organization), PAMRO (Pan-African Media Research Association) and sponsor of ALOOH (Asociación Latinoamericana de Out-Of-Home).




The company is developing METRICOOH, a system of easy-to-understand metrics based on traffic intensity calculated from vehicle detection in satellite images and visibility analysis. METRICOOH provides the only available benchmark to compare, plan and sell any billboard in the world that has been tested as complex to measure outdoor advertising spaces as Pakistan or Uganda.



METRICOOH is obtaining accreditation from the MRC (Media Rating Council), a body mandated by the U.S. Congress to verify and accredit media research services. The accreditation, planned for early 2022, will provide METRICOOH with a competitive and differential advantage. METRICOOH will become the only certified data service for Outdoor media.


Several METRICOOH modules are patented in the United States and in several European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain.




The company is a specialized partner of Maxar, owner of the world's highest resolution commercial satellites. CUENDE access to the largest, most updated and most complete geospatial Big Data of high resolution images. Satellites capture more than 3.5 million square kilometers every day, which will expand exponentially with the launch of the new satellite constellation.


Satellite imagery does not include personal data, so CUENDE's technology complies with current and future privacy laws, ensuring continuity of service in the future.




The company has been awarded the following distinctions:


  • Technical Innovation Award from FEPE INTERNATIONAL (Federation of Outdoor Advertising Companies).

  • ECOVADIS Sustainability Gold Medal 2021.

  • Selected among the "Best Startups and Market Research Companies in Spain" by BEST STARTUPS EU.

  • Innovative SME Seal of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.


Quality and the pursuit of excellence in customer satisfaction is ensured by its ISO 900:2015 Quality Management System, certified by Bureau Veritas.

Team members

José María Cuende

CEO & Founder

José María founded CUENDE Infometría after 22 years of experience in multinational companies in the technology and automotive sectors.

He began his career at Telesincro, developing computers for accounting and payroll management. José María has held different positions in the area of ​​Advertising and corporate development at Fujitsu and ITT / Alcatel. Later he joined Renault as Director of Communication. In this position, José María created and implemented a recognized cost control system for advertising campaigns, at a time when Renault became the best-selling car brand in Spain.

Due to his interest in advertising effectiveness, he co-founded CUENDE Infometrics in 1991, with the vision of creating a research company focused on innovation and the development of advanced research systems. Thanks to his leadership, GEOMEX, Spain's Audience Measurement system, was developed and the company expanded internationally.

José María is a Commercial Professor at the University of Barcelona and graduated from the first university class of Computer Science in Spain.

Daniel Cuende

Director de Expansión & Founder

Daniel Cuende (1971) studied Industrial Engineering at the UAX University. In 1991, he co-founded CUENDE Infometrics with the goal of creating innovative and effective research methods. He has several developments and well-known patents in the research field.

Daniel is the technical director of GEOMEX, the audience measurement study for Outdoor Advertising in Spain. He is also involved in audience measurement in 14 countries, from Australia to Mexico, and from the UK to South Africa. He participates in the US MRC (Media Rating Council) Outdoor Advertising Measurement Standards Working Committee.

As a university professor he has taught different courses and MBA at various universities and is a recognized international speaker in Outdoor Advertising research. Daniel has been the representative of ESOMAR (International Market Research Association) in Spain from 2005 to 2013 and is currently a member of the ESOMAR Disciplinary Committee.

MICROSOFT and ESOMAR recognized him as the Best Analyst in their first INTERNATIONAL HACKATHON CHALLENGE of Market Research in Big Data.

Yolanda Marugán

Directora de Proyectos y Clientes

Gonzalo Ortiz

Director de Desarrollo Corporativo

Juanjo Hernando

Financial Controller

Project documents

Metricooh Pitch Deck Investors ES Download
Biografía Fundadores de CUENDE Download
Previsiones financieras Download
Whitepaper CUENDE Download
Metricooh Pitch Deck Investors - ENGLISH Download
Founders biography Download

CUENDE cumple 30 años colaborando con las mejores empresas del Out-of-Home. Fue el 26 de diciembre de 1991 cuando la familia Cuende fundó la compañía, que se acabaría especializando en la investigación del medio Exterior.


En estos 30 años CUENDE  ha evolucionado mejorando e innovando sus servicios para ofrecer la máxima calidad y aplicar las tecnologías más avanzadas para la medición de la Publicidad Exterior. La pasión por la calidad de CUENDE y la excelencia en el servicio a todos y cada uno de sus clientes les han permitido crecer posicionando a la empresa y sus servicios como el referente de la investigación del medio Exterior, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

Entrevista a José María y Daniel Cuende, fundadores de CUENDE Infometrics en la revista Emprendedores. Los Cuende han innovado hasta el punto en que se encuentran ante una “oportunidad de grado Google”: ser el monopolio de facto en un sector altamente tecnológico y con inmensas posibilidades de negocio. Su ingrediente único es el uso de imágenes por satélite de alta definición para poder medir con exactitud el tráfico automovilístico, puesto que el grueso del transporte particular se realiza en coche. 

IBO USA announces the integration of METRICOOH into its IBOO COOP Speedway cloud platform.

CUENDE launches METRICOOH, its platform of traffic indicators for Outdoor advertising, adapted to the North American market.

Launch of METRICOOH in the United States and its first American client: IBO USA (Independent Billboard Association), which brings together 90,000 outdoors media locations in 170 markets.

Best Startup UE has recognized CUENDE's commitment to innovation and quality by including it in its annual ranking of “Best Startups and Market Research Companies in Spain”, recognizing its excellence in innovation and its beneficial impact on society.

FEPE International, the world association of outdoor advertising companies, awards the Award for Technological Innovation to CUENDE for its audience measurement system.

The Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain has awarded CUENDE its seal of Innovative SME.

CUENDE has been awarded the Ecovadis Gold medal in recognition of CUENDE's achievements in Business Sustainability. The score obtained by CUENDE has been higher than 94% of the 75,000 companies evaluated by EcoVadis, making CUENDE worthy of its 2021 Gold medal.

Is tokenization Compulsory? / ¿Es obligatorio tokenizar la acción?
No, it is an individual choice that each investor can exercise at the time they deem most convenient. There is no obligation to tokenize the shares. In the event that they choose to tokenize, the investor will maintain exactly the same rights as the rest of the shareholders.

No, es una elección individual de cada inversor que podrá ejercer en el momento que juzgue más conveniente para sus intereses. No hay ninguna obligación de tokenizar las acciones. En el caso de que opte por tokenizar, el inversor seguirá manteniendo los mismos derechos que el resto de accionistas.
Is the business model proven? / ¿Está probado el modelo de negocio?

CUENDE has been successfully applying its revenue model (a subscription for agencies and a variable rate depending on the number of panels) for more than 20 years in Spain and in 12 other countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia.

CUENDE lleva aplicando con éxito su modelo de ingresos (suscripción para agencias y tarifa variable en función del número de paneles) durante más de 20 años en España y en otros 12 países, incluyendo Reino Unido y Australia.

Do you already have clients for this product? / Hay algún cliente que haya contratado este producto?

IBO (Independent Billboard Association) is METRICOOH's first customer in the United States. It is an association that includes 250 companies with a total of 90,000 advertising media and that wants to integrate METRICOOH data into its IBO COOP platform

IBO (Independent Billboard Association) es el primer cliente de METRICOOH en Estados Unidos. Es una asociación que engloba 250 empresas con un total de 90.000 soportes publicitarios y que desea integrar los datos de METRICOOH en su plataforma IBO COOP

Are the issued tokens related to the project or are they company shares? / Los token emitidos ¿son del proyecto o de las acciones de CUENDE?

The tokens to be issued are the digital representation of the CUENDE shares on blockchain technology. CUENDE investors have the same rights as the shareholders of any company: the proportional part in the distribution of the company's profits, attending Shareholders' Meetings and so on. Tokenization provides the advantages derived from the digital support of the asset, to which we evolved from a system based on contracts signed on paper. Our main objective is to promote the liquidity of Cuende's shares once they are acquired by our investors.

Los tokens que se emitirán son la representación digital con tecnología blockchain de las acciones de CUENDE. El inversor en CUENDE tendrá los mismos derechos que los accionistas de cualquier empresa: obtener la parte proporcional en el reparto de beneficios de la empresa, asistencia a Juntas de Accionistas...etc. La tokenización aporta las ventajas derivadas del soporte digital del activo, al que evolucionamos desde un sistema basado en contratos firmados sobre papel. Nuestro objetivo principal es promover la liquidez de las acciones de Cuende una vez las adquieren nuestros inversores.

Investment proposal

Investment proposal summary:

Cuende offers future investors a participation in the capital stock of its growing company.


The total financing required is structured in two tranches: a first tranche of up to € 2M to complete the launch of the new product and a subsequent tranche of € 3M, to be carried out next year, to boost the company's international expansion.


The percentage of the company that Cuende proposes to offer to investors, in the two operations as a whole, is 20%, offering in this first tranche between 8% and 11% (depending on the amount eventually subscribed, which may be between 90% and 125% of the initial target).

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