Mercado secundario de prestamos
8% - 11%
Convertible loan

Only institutional investors and large Family Offices have access to debt funds.


Professional investors need products of: High return with controlled risk, Guaranteed capital (repurchase) *, Diversify their investments (Market de-correlation) but very few can invest in private debt funds since the investment tickets are very high and it is not liquid. Lendmarket provides solutions to these problems:


Loan units originated by debt funds are sold so that professional investors can create their own loan portfolios, in addition these investors can resell these units in lendmarket to other investors, thus obtaining liquidity for their loan investments without them having to wait upon maturity of the loan.

Team members



More than 12 years of experience in Commercial Banking, holding management positions in the areas of Credit Risk, sales, finance and T&O.


Digital Sales Manager

20 years of experience in the financial sector, specialized in the Fintech sector and in the management of wealth and companies. She has developed her professional career as director of Investors at LoanBook and as director and asset manager at Barclays, Citi and Banif.


Marketing Manager & Operations

5 years of experience in the FinTech sector, as Sales & Marketing Manager at LoanBook. Responsible for coordinating Marketing and Sales areas to achieve objectives, both at customer level and brand positioning in the market.


Investor’s Relations

More than 14 years experience in Private Banking and Financial Advice, being the last person in charge of the Institutional Business of Crédit Agricole Private Banking.



Legal and financial expert, mainly in the access and validation of credit to SMEs. He has developed his activity practicing for more than 10 years in different financial entities, complementing his tasks as an executive in medium-sized companies in distress.


UX and Tech

Experienced User Experience Designer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. Skilled in Design Conceptualization, Prototyping and Visual Language Creativity through Information Architecture and Graphic Design. Strong information technology professional with a degree focused in Digital Design from ELISAVA School of design and Engineering, Visual Communication in Zurich School of the Arts, and Economics in Universitat Pompeu Fabra.


Fund’s Relations

He participates for 10 years in the financial area, with different responsibilities, of the mobile phone operator Amena, from the startup phase, through its integration into the Auna Group and its subsequent sale to Orange.



Head of treasury, planning and budgeting of cash generation at Retevisión Movil and France Telecom.

Co-founder of Akerton Partners where he has been advising companies, funds and shareholders in all matters related to their debt and financing for more than 10 years


NED (Board Member) & Interim CTO

Former COO at LoanBook, first online lending platform in Spain transacted more tha 800 loans and € 50M.

Lucas began his career at PwC, later joining Sage in Spain, where he spent 10 years in a range of management roles (finance, operations and sales) ending his time at Sage as Deputy CEO for Spain. As LoanBook’s General Manager, Lucas was responsible for scaling up the platform, with a particular focus on our team, technology, operational development and online customer acquisition ..

Lucas is advising Lendmarket in Corporate Development as in Tech and Plattform Development.

Project documents

Pitch deck Download
one pager lendmarket_v4 (ENG) Download
Metrics Download
Proyecciones financieras a 5 años Download
Presentación comercial Download
CV Alejandro Download
CV Cecilia Download
CV Mariano Download
CV Medir Download
CV Rodrigo Download
CV Antonio Download
CV Lucas Download
CV Alberto Download
Modelo de aceptación riesgos Download
Pitch deck Download

"Nuestra visión es construir un mercado secundario para préstamos corporativos en toda Europa, para bancos y no bancos”


"Los fundadores vieron que en Europa se estaba creando un mercado primario de deuda no bancaria cada vez más importante, hecho que hacía necesario uno secundario para poder rotar sus activos”


"Estamos ofreciendo acceso a la plataforma a family offices o a clientes de banca privada que tengan un vehículo de inversión para comprar bienes muebles e inmuebles”


"Hay mucho apetito por parte de los inversores profesionales por encontrar alternativas de inversión a los mercados financieros tradicionales. En particular, por invertir en préstamos a empresas"


"Aún estamos lejos de que la financiación privada tenga la penetración como en EE.UU. donde representa un 80% y en Europa 50%; en España todavía estamos al 20%

Conoce a Lendmarket, startup participante en nuestro segundo programa de aceleración.

«Lendmarket nace para cubrir un problema del mercado: La rotación de activos por parte de los fondos de deuda.»

Con este objetivo, un equipo con un amplio background en el mundo financiero se lanza al mundo del emprendimiento, entre ellos Alejandro de Villalonga y Alberto Ibañez, profesionales con una amplia trayectoria y conocimientos sobre el mercado de préstamos en España. Tras detectar la oportunidad de ayudar a los inversores profesionales a tener una herramienta para cubrir las pérdidas que puedan tener en otros productos como renta fija o renta variable

"Creemos que la financiación no bancaria es complementaria a la financiación bancaria"

Lendmarket es una plataforma privada, que pone en contacto a los originadores de préstamos corporativos con los inversores profesionales, para la compraventa de derechos de crédito vía cesión de créditos o sub-participación (mercado secundario de deuda corporativa). La idea del proyecto, que se lanzó en julio de 2017, surgió cuando los fundadores vieron que en Europa se estaba creando un mercado primario de deuda no bancaria cada vez más importante, hecho que hacía necesario uno secundario para poder rotar sus activos, distribuir un préstamo entre otros inversores… tal y como hacen los bancos con la venta de carteras de préstamos o en la distribución de un préstamo sindicado.

Abanca Innova selecciona a Lendmarket, sharenjoy, dooing it y converfit como finalistas de la primera fase del programa de aceleración

Las startups Lendmarket, Sharenjoy, Dooing IT y Converfit han sido seleccionadas por ABANCA Innova como finalistas de la primera fase del programa de aceleración de la entidad. 

El poder de la tokenización de los préstamos a particulares y pymes

Además, de las tradicionales plataformas de crowdlending (sin intermediarios financieros), basadas en moneda FIAT y procesos de formalización y elevación a público tradicionales. Se han creado nuevas plataformas de financiación basados en blockchain, para mejorar los procesos de admisión, formalización y seguimiento, además de mejorar la evidencia de los deudores/financiadores sin tener que elevarlos a público, consiguiendo trazabilidad, reducción de costes de transacción, transparencia, seguridad…

Lendmarket: “Nuestro valor añadido es que somos un mercado secundario"


Alejandro Villalonga, CEO de Lendmarket, explica cómo funciona la plataforma con la que dan acceso al inversor a un mercado de deuda corporativa hasta ahora solo reservado a institucionales. Explica los mecanismos de control de riesgo que aplican y que la condición de inversión de riesgo depende del perfil del inversor.

El crowdlending se suma a las medidas de apoyo a las pymes


La Asociación Española de Crowdlending (ACLE) ofrece distribuir las facilidades crediticias que se dispongan para así apoyar y garantizar la liquidez de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, a través de sus empresas asociadas, a instituciones como el ICO.


ACLE es una organización de naturaleza asociativa y sin ánimo de lucro que tiene como fines la defensa y promoción de los intereses económicos y sociales del crowdlending, entendido como la prestación de servicios de intermediación financiera entre inversores y empresas o personas a través de Internet. Actualmente cuenta con 12 empresas asociadas (Colectual,, October, MyTripleA, Socilen, Circulantis, Finanzarel, Excelend, Zänk, Inversa, Lendmarket e Indexa Capital) distribuidas en 3 verticales de actividad (préstamos a empresas, circulante y préstamos).

Investment proposal

Investment proposal summary:

Loan with the right to convert into share capital, under the following conditions:

- Pre-money valuation: € 2,038,086


The investment will go to:

- 40% personal

- 40% marketing

- 10% blockchain technology

- 10% fund creation expenses


Series A in 2021
Needs of up to € 10M.
European market opening

Detailed explanation:

1.- Structure:


Team 2020 - 8 people.

1 Resp Fundraising / platforms

1 Resp Private banking channel

1 Resp Prescribing Channel

1 Resp Digital Channel

1 Resp Marketing

1 UX (per project)


1 Resp Risks

1 Back office



Team 2021 - 12 people. Increase based on international and support commercial profiles (middle and back office)
Support from GMG Financial (Multi-famiy Switzerland) as an international sales channel


2.- Technology:


Platform improvements, on the way to tokenization.



Step 1:


Lendmarket has acquired a proprietary technology from a platform already proven in the market with more than 850 transactions (loans) where 200 investors invest on average and with the investment of more than 3,000 investors. This technology, developed and tested over four years, is integrated through API with the corporate CRM (Salesforce) and with the payment entity (Lemonway) that guarantees the segregation of funds from the inventors with respect to the funds of Lendmarket.


Likewise, it is planned to make the necessary adjustments in the platform to allow additional functionalities or the integration of tokenized operations during 2020. Our objective is to maintain the maximum amount of transparency and traceability, so that we will keep records of transactions in the chain of Ethereum Quorum blocks via Smart contracts for the transfer (ERC-720, non-expendable token). In this way, through Smart contracts, we seek to be able to tokenize loans from the moment they are formalized, facilitating the subsequent sale process through Blockchain. Over the next year, we hope to be able to conduct a POC with a bank using our on-boarding system.



Step 2: smart advice for issuers and investors


After having the MVP up and running, Lendmarket will work on algorithms behind the Auction Platform from two perspectives:

1.- On-line advice to auction issuers on "conflict resolution" and finding the best option to sell their loans and portfolios.


2.- Help investors find the most suitable loans for their appetite and offer the fairest price.


Step 3: loan tokenization


Once the loans are tokenized from the beginning, we will improve our process of incorporation into the platform and streamline the sale.


3.- Marketing:


Digital channel: 1.- corporate video 2.- social boosting (RRSS, youtube and specialized) 3.- affiliation campaign (BBDD potential customers)
Offline channel: 1.- Aseafi and ASCRI sponsorship 2.- Events (presentations, TV, radio and round tables) 3.- External sales force

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