The Booking of the Language Travel Industry

YNSITU reinventa el mercado mundial de los cursos de idiomas en el extranjero


El empresario español Chema Pascual fundador y propietario de Newlink Education,  la 3ª agencia promotora de cursos de idiomas en el extranjero de España por volumen de facturación, ha creado YNSITU,  el primer marketplace del mundo dedicado al mercado de los cursos de idiomas en el extranjero.


Un mercado mundial de 12.000 millones de dólares que aspira a liderar con YNSITU, aplicando en este mercado el mismo modelo de negocio que ha convertido a otros, como por ejemplo a,  en líderes indiscutibles de sus mercados.


YNSITU permite a los proveedores que operan en este mercado vender sus servicios a millones de personas de todo el mundo que cada año desean viajar a otro país para aprender idiomas y que en su  gran mayoría desean hacer sus reservas online y a los usuarios les facilita buscar, comparar y reservar de la manera más sencilla, cómoda y segura.



El futuro líder mundial de este mercado se llama YNSITU


El 70% del gasto mundial corresponde a jóvenes de entre 18 y 35 años de estrato socioeconómico medio-alto o alto acostumbrados a realizar sus compras online. Desde hace unos 10 años las agencias intermediarias que operan en este mercado han ido viendo como paulatinamente perdían este segmento de clientes, aunque el volumen del mercado subía consistentemente año a año. 


Lo que está sucediendo es que los usuarios intentan acudir directamente al proveedor del servicio evitando a las agencias intermediarias porque buscan el mejor precio, y lo hacen en internet; pero a diferencia por ejemplo del mercado de las reservas hoteleras donde Booking nos facilita la labor de buscar hoteles, comparar y reservar, en nuestro mercado, hasta la llegada de YNSITU, no existía ninguna plataforma en todo el mundo que facilitase hacer esto a los usuarios.


En YNSITU los usuarios disponen ya de 8.000 cursos y 2.000 alojamientos en  34 países  para poder buscar, comparar, elegir y reservar de la manera más sencilla, cómoda y segura y cada día incorporamos nuevas escuelas, idiomas y alojamientos.



Ya somos líderes mundiales en internacionalización


En todos los países existen multitud de agencias dedicadas a la venta de cursos de idiomas en el extranjero y no hay ningún líder claro a nivel mundial. Es decir, la competencia está muy atomizada. La mayoría de estas agencias tienen un alcance nacional, regional o incluso local y apenas se cuentan con los dedos de la mano las que operan en más de un país. YNSITU está en 18 idiomas y ya estamos recibiendo 14.000 visitas mensuales procedentes de 139 países.



Nuestro modelo de negocio es 100% disruptivo


A la enorme atomización de la competencia se añade el hecho sorprendente de que todos los competidores operan con un modelo de negocio analógico basado en la captación de clientes potenciales para que un equipo de comerciales consiga cerrar la venta. Con ese modelo de negocio es muy difícil, lento y costoso escalar. Sin embargo la estrategia de YNSITU es la de un modelo de negocio 100% digital y escalable rápidamente a un nivel global. Aplicamos a nuestro mercado exactamente el mismo modelo de negocio que llevó al éxito a Booking, y al igual que ellos fueron los primeros en su mercado, nosotros somos pioneros en el nuestro”.



Aplicamos la misma estrategia que dio éxito a Amazon


Todos los competidores  centran sus esfuerzos en el idioma inglés que representa el 80% del mercado, pero muy pocos competidores ofrecen idiomas de la larga cola que representan el 20% del mercado. Aunque evidentemente disponemos de una amplísima oferta para estudiar inglés acorde a la demanda, nuestra estrategia de productto se basa en incorporar constantemente  no solo escuelas de inglés, sino también de muchos otros idiomas para atraer también a usuarios de a esta larga cola donde hay poca competencia en los primeros idiomas de la cola (español, alemán, francés, italiano, chino...) y ninguna competencia en el resto de los idiomas. Esta es la misma estrategia de penetración en el mercado que usó Amazon cuando comenzó vendiendo libros de los que no se conseguían en ninguna librería y la que han usado otros muchos negocios exitosos.  El tamaño de esta larga cola es lo suficientemente grande como para permitirnos alcanzar sobradamente nuestros objetivos de ventas hasta que nos consolidemos y en ese momento lanzaremos el asalto al liderazgo mundial de nuestro mercado.



Team members

Chema Pascual


University degree in English teaching and a degree in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations. Founder of Newlink Education, the 3rd agency dedicated to this market by turnover in Spain (2019 data).

He has been a member of the board of directors of ASEPROCE, the Spanish national association of agencies which operate in this market, from where he promoted the creation of the first Spanish Quality Seal and second in the world which oversees the quality of the services offered by agencies acting in the Spanish market.

As CEO of Newlink Education he has developed many projects within this sector for the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Boards of Education of most of the local governments in Spain.

He has also been the creator of the "QBE for Schools" (Quality Bilingual Education for schools). A program to implement quality bilingual education primary and secondary schools.

Finally, he is also chairman of the Newlink Foundation, whose mission is to help children who live in poverty to get out of that poverty through education.

Main shareholder of Ynsitu (75%).

Georgina Espinoza

Product Development Manager

Georgina has a degree in Business Administration. She has extensive experience in this market as prior to joining YNISTU she worked as Product Manager at Newlink Education where she was responsible for establishing relationships with schools and accommodation providers all over the world.

At YNSITU she is responsible for one of the three basic areas of the business: The Product.

Her responsibilities include:

Attrack schools and accommodation providers to YNSITU.
Manage the relationships with them.
Control the quality of the services delivered by them.
Develop the product strategy to incorporate also suppliers of optional services demanded by our users: flights, airport transfers, leisure activities, travel insurance ...

Fernando Aznar


International Business Management.

More than 12 years occupying managerial positions in companies in the field of new technologies. As a multifaceted professional he has assumed throughout his career the most varied tasks within the areas of marketing, commercial management and business development and has had the privilege of participating in the development of successful ecommerce projects that occupy leading positions in their respective sectors.

His current responsibility as CMO of YNSITU is the planning, development and execution of the company's marketing plan.

He is a minor shareholder.

Julián Mesa

Tech lead

Computer Engineer. Professional with 13 years of experience in the world of technology development. He has extensive experience as a full stack developer, scrum master and product owner. He has also been an entrepreneur, which has allowed him to combine his technological vision with his business vision and because of this he is able, not only to transfer to the development of technology the needs and business objectives of the company, but to enrich them from his mastery of the possibilities that technology can bring to the business.

He will become a shareholder upon the successful launch of the 2.0 version of YNSITU.

Además del equipo directivo integrado por las personas  mencionadas anteriormente, en Ynsitu trabajan otras 6 personas.  Dos en el equipo de marketing, una en soporte al cliente y 3 en el equipo de desarrollo.

Project documents

Pitch deck Download
Biografía del Fundador Download
PRESENTACIONYNSITUv93compressedpdf-61956f72168f7 Download

Every year, hundreds of thousands of students cross Spanish borders and travel to other countries for language immersions abroad. In 2018, a total of 120,000 students decided to go outside Spain for language training, 20% more than those who did so in 2017, according to data from the Spanish Association of Promoters of Courses Abroad (Aseproce).

Language training abroad constitutes a booming sector with turnover figures in the millions. In 2017, language learning abroad moved nearly $12 billion, according to Study Travel Magazine. Of that figure, 9 billion corresponds to English language learning; 2.5 to Spanish; and the rest to other languages. Language immersions are much more than just language courses: in addition to the training, there are travel costs; accommodation in residences, host families or hotels; and other expenses derived from the stay abroad. Spending a week abroad learning another language costs, on average, 500 euros.

To make it easier for users to organize their trip, the Ynsitu platform has just been launched, a spin-off of the Aragonese company Newlink, where they can search for and compare schools and accommodation and make reservations directly with each service provider, avoiding commissions from intermediary agencies. Precisely, last Thursday the Chamber of Commerce of Huesca, Chamber of Spain, and Banco Santander awarded Newlink for this project with the Accésit Digitalization and Innovation. An important recognition to the commitment of this Aragonese company to improve competitiveness by incorporating technological innovations for the development and improvement of management, as well as the quality of their training products.


We are sure you agree that knowing languages for business is essential. According to data from ASEPROCE (Spanish Association of Promoters of Courses Abroad), the pandemic has not slowed down the desire of Spaniards to study abroad and in 2021, 18,000 students did so, compared to 20,000 in 2020. YNSITU, the first marketplace dedicated to language courses abroad, was born out of this need.

It is called Ynsitu and it is indeed the first portal on the Spanish and worldwide web. Last year more than 120,000 Spaniards went abroad to study languages outside Spain, an increase of 20% compared to 2018. Language training abroad constitutes a booming sector with turnover figures in the millions.... That's why Ynsitu, a portal that makes it easy for students to organize their trip, from searching and comparing courses, booking accommodation or managing visas and taking out insurance.

Its CEO, Chema Pascual, explains all the details. 

Ynsitu has become the world's first "market place" dedicated to language courses abroad. It is a platform in the purest "Booking" style with which the student can design his or her customized language adventure. Ynsitu was born out of the need to innovate and adapt to changing times, something that is not always easy. "I have been in this sector for 21 years and I have seen an evolution in many markets, but never in this one", says Chema Pascual, CEO of Ynsitu. According to Pascual, there are currently two very distinct segments of clients looking for language learning stays abroad. The first is that of minors, whose parents organize the trip through a traditional agency in most cases. The second is young people between the ages of 18 and 30, who choose to do it through the Internet with a few clicks. "We saw a very important business opportunity by digitizing this model," he adds.

The portal has an offer of 12,9000 courses available in 11 languages, spread across 39 countries and 246 cities, with training in English, German, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Arabic Italian, Spanish, Korean and Portuguese, among others. Since its launch at the end of 2019, the portal has already received more than 60,000 visits, coming from 53 different countries.

In addition, it offers travelers numerous complementary services such as 24-hour customer service, every day of the year; personalized advice to avoid making a mistake when choosing a school or accommodation; financing; unlimited medical coverage; and a visa service to process visas quickly and easily. These features give added value to the search engine, which aspires to become the international reference portal for all those who are thinking of traveling abroad to learn languages. In fact, Ynsitu is expected to be launched in the United States and Latin America in 2020. According to Pascual, there is an increasing demand from people who want to do what is known as "language tourism".

¿Cuál es la aspiración de YNSITU?

Nuestro CEO lo explica en este breve video de 33".

¿Por qué el modelo de negocio de YNSITU es 100% disruptivo en su mercado pero ya de probado éxito en otros mercados?
Nuestro CEO lo explica en este breve video de 66".
¿Cuál es la estrategia de penetración en el mercado de YNSITU?
Nuestro CEO lo explica en este breve video de 55".
¿A qué se va a destinar la inversión captada?
Nuestro CEO lo explica en este breve video de 46".

Investment proposal

Investment proposal summary:
La valoración pre-money de la compañía es de 2 M de euros. Se puede invertir desde 500 € que es el valor de una participación (un token), hasta un máximo de 200.000 €, es decir 400 participaciones (400 tokens) que representan un 8,33% de la compañía. 
En estos 4 vídeos que en total suman poco más de 3 minutos nuestro CEO te lo explica todo en persona. 
1)  Invierte ahora en YNSITU, el futuro líder mundial del mercado de los cursos de idiomas en el extranjero (33")
2) YNSITU somos un modelo de negocio 100% disruptivo en nuestro mercado (66"):
3) YNSITU aplicamos una estrategia de penetración única en nuestro mercado (55"):
4) Un destino de la inversión para garantizar el éxito (46") :



Detailed explanation:

Los inversores interesados pueden solicitar acceso al  Plan Estratégico para más información.

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